SolidRed - Invaluable Insight to make Informed Decisions
SolidRed is the new Industrial-IoT platform (I-IoT) from TWTG, designed to unleash the potential of I-IoT sensors far beyond their basic functionality. SolidRed works with TWTG’s retrofittable NEON LoRaWAN sensors. Whether an entire facility or its individual assets, SolidRed provides profound insight into the workings of a site.
Breaking the Status Quo
Intelligently used, data can liberate the industry from dependency on outdated maintenance methodologies. SolidRed helps companies achieve this by helping create data-led decision and maintenance processes.
It’s a solution designed to gather and analyse data from any operational asset equipped with a NEON I-IoT device. SolidRed allows engineers to make informed decisions and then, on-going, develop agile maintenance strategies designed to continually hone effectiveness and efficiency.
SolidRed is a tool for both engineers and strategists. At the highest level, it can give a complete operational overview, harvesting data from multiple locations across the globe. At a micro level, it can scrutinise in fine detail, the performance of a single sensor.
Below are just a few ways SolidRed can add value.
SolidRed as a Strategic, Operational Tool.
With longer-term objectives in mind, SolidRed can merge, analyse, and refine data to produce higher-level insight. This level of analytics enables engineers and strategists to develop data-led maintenance procedures and establish a predictive maintenance strategy for the future.
SolidRed can learn the seemingly insignificant fluctuations and sequences present before significant events occur by analysing historical data across an array of sensors. Over time, by recognising these patterns, SolidRed can learn to spot the identical sequences that precede a more significant event. By comparing new data to old, SolidRed can technically predict future events or failures – and by issuing the appropriate alert in good time, an engineer can carry out the necessary maintenance at their convenience, ideally avoiding any costly downtime.
SolidRed as a Guardian.
As a primary reactive guardian – SolidRed can utilise live data to trigger immediate predefined alerts.
SolidRed as an Engineers Stethoscope.
SolidRed gives top-level insight. As a tool, SolidRed can bring sensor data together to analyse data as a collective – Giving engineers deep insight into the workings of part or an entire facility at a macro-level.
SolidRed as an Engineers microscope.
By utilising the suite of applications pre-installed in SolidRed, an engineer can interrogate any device singularly. Delving deep at a micro level, engineers can explore the intricacies of a single device and – by utilising SolidRed visuals, analytics and historical data – understand the real-time performance, identify any deterioration or potential issues.

Easy Integration
At TWTG, we are always keen to promote an open mindset. SolidRed exemplifies this. It is easy to integrate with the wireless IoT instrumentation in our LoRaWAN-based NEON product line. There should be no issues integrating for those already with a LoRa network server, as SolidRed is designed to work with the most widely available network servers. For customers still without LoRa, SolidRed can come with a LoRa Network server, if needed.
SolidRed can either operate as a stand-alone, on-premise deployment or via the cloud to meet different customers’ needs. For more intricate installations, TWTG can assist in tailoring SolidRed to integrate with most other configurations, such as systems on the edge of, or within, a distributed network.
Ensuring future scalability and that the LoRa network is fault-tolerant, SolidRed incorporates additional features, such as customisable role management and microservices architecture.
Multi-Level Insight - SolidRed and its Specialist Applications
SolidRed creates insight on two levels. At the top-level, SolidReds main interface provides engineers with a clear omniscient overview of an entire facility’s asset performance. Potentially, with enough sensors, it can provide an engineer with an understanding of a facility as a single entity.
As a monitoring tool, SolidRed operates 24/7/365, receiving precise, regularly measurements from assets. A combination of pre-defined conditions and machine learning means SolidRed continually analyses data and then, when necessary, issues alerts.
SolidRed can monitor an entire site at this level. However, we understand every customer’s solutions are different, and so, if required, data can be forwarded to the customer’s preferred analytical solution, which is easily integrated.
NEON Applications for Deeper Analysis
A second, deeper level within SolidRed concentrates on detailed settings and analysis. Each type of sensor has a corresponding application pre-installed onto SolidRed – these allow the engineer to drill down into the detail of assets.
Via the applications, an engineer can examine individual sensors or opt to group sensors into clusters to gain a broader perspective of asset performance. When viewed individually, engineers see detailed analytics of particular sensors. They can compare historical against current data, helping identify anomalies or spot known data sequences that warn of coming deterioration. Viewing sensors as a group enables engineers to compare performance and tolerances or identify the consequences of specific set-ups. Grouping sensors helps engineers understand how certain assets work in conjunction with others and then ascertain the optimum balance of efficiency, performance and attrition.
Some of the available applications are the following.

Vibration Sensor Application
For engineers, who need to know more than simply the RMS velocity and RMS acceleration data, the Vibration Sensor (VB) application gives greater insight by transforming raw data into tangible, workable information.
Single assets can be finely interrogated via the VB application. Deep analysis allows engineers to scrutinise rotating equipment at a micro-level and identify any data signifying wear, oscillation, or integrity issues.
By analysing a group of sensors, and comparing real-time and historical data, the VB Application can learn to recognise, and search for, the fingerprints of historical events and, accordingly, pre-warn engineers well in advance of any pending event. This enables engineers to plan maintenance or replacement during scheduled downtime.
An engineer can access a unique dashboard with detailed full-spectrum vibration analysis within the VB application, diagnosing the device without leaving their desk. A waterfall feature visualises and compares changes in the spectrum over variable timeframes, serving as the perfect tool to identify difficult-to-spot, slow rising peaks – a clear indicator of possible wear or damage.
Temperature Application
With various methods of measuring the temperature of assets available to engineers, the Temperature Application works to amalgamate and combine data from different sources to create a single analytical tool.
From within the application, the engineer can define alert criteria. They can set tolerances and conditions needed to trigger an alert, how it’s sent, and who receives it. The application allows the engineer to compare current and historical data to identify warning sequences or look for anomalies in reading, pointing to faulty readings.
An engineer can define parameters as to the desired status of not only a single device but as groups, enabling engineers to view the activity as a sequence, not a stand-alone event.
Additional information on any device is visible via the SolidRed dashboard giving further detail such as health status, battery life or connectivity.